Sold Prices for Apartment 3 Josiah Evans Court, 77 Crow Lane East, Newton-le-willows WA12 9TS

Sold Price details for Apartment 3 Josiah Evans Court, 77 Crow Lane East

Newton-le-willows, WA12 9TS


Last Sale Price

Most recent sale price Previous sale price Value change
£95,000 on 23rd Feb 2019 £131,750 on 24th Oct 2007 £36,750 27.89% Decrease
23rd February 2019 Property sold for £95,000
24th October 2007 Property sold for £131,750

Property Details

This Flat property is a Non-Newbuild and is located at Apartment 3 Josiah Evans Court, 77 Crow Lane East, Newton-le-willows WA12 9TS. The most recent sale for this property was recorded on 23/02/2019 for £95,000. The earliest sale for this property was recorded on 24/10/2007 for £131,750. There are currently 17 properties for sale in WA12 with an average asking price £194,085. There are currently 4 properties to rent in WA12 with an average asking rent of £9,294 PCM.

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Source acknowledgment: This Nethouseprices information is extracted or derived from information produced by Land Registry. © Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission of Land Registry under delegated authority from the Controller of HMSO. This material was last updated on 3 June 2024. It covers the period from 01 January 1995 to 30 April 2024.

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